“Vidya Vasula Aham,” featuring Rahul Vijay and Shivani Rajashekar, has been directly released on the Aha Video OTT platform. With an intriguing trailer, let’s delve into the film’s review.
The story revolves around Vasu (Rahul Vijay), a mechanical engineer who is reluctant to marry but eventually gives in to his parents’ pressure. He marries Vidya (Shivani Rajashekar), an ambitious woman with high standards for her partner. Initially, their relationship seems smooth, but a minor clash soon escalates due to their egos.
Although the plot is familiar, the film begins engagingly but loses its charm post-marriage, turning into a tedious narrative. The theme of ego, which is central to the story, needed stronger dialogues and better development.
Director Manikanth Gelli manages to engage the audience partially, but the writing could have been stronger. Rahul Vijay and Shivani Rajashekar deliver decent performances but have room for improvement.
Kasi Vishwanath is adequate in his role, Mounika Reddy lacks significant screen time, and the rest of the cast is average. In conclusion, “Vidya Vasula Aham” is a watchable film, currently streaming on Aha Video.