Two weeks after its cinema debut, the recently released science fiction time travel film Aarabham makes its OTT debut. Aarabham, the debut of Mohan Bhagath, will be streamed on the ETV Win OTT platform on May 23, 2024.
The plot of the movie is on Mighel, a prisoner played by Mohan Bhagath, who somehow breaks out of jail. Detectives Chaitanya (Ravindra Vijay) and Madhav (Abhishek Boddepalli) take on the case to solve the puzzle.
Ajay Nag is directing the picture, which has important parts played by Mohan Bhagath, Ravindra Vijay, Meesala Laxman, Abhisheak Boddepalli, and others.
Among the amazing films ETV Win has been getting is this experimental one. Let’s see what the OTT reaction will be.