Rajisha Vijayan’s film ‘Keedam,’ which delves into themes of cyber security and fraud, achieved moderate success upon its theatrical release in 2022. Nearly a year later, the movie has been dubbed in Telugu as ‘Keechurallu.’
ETV Win OTT platform will stream ‘Keechurallu’ starting May 30, 2024.
The cast includes Rajisha Vijayan, Sreenivasan, Vijay Babu, Manikandan Pattambi, and Ranjit Shekar Nair. The film is directed by Rahul Riji Nair and produced by Sujith Warrier, Lijo Joseph, and Ranjan.
For an engaging watch this weekend, ‘Keechurallu’ is an excellent choice. Notably, Rajisha Vijayan previously made her Telugu debut with Ravi Teja in ‘Rama Rao on Duty.